Welcome to the Digital Parents August Blog Carnival!! It feels like forever since I put my name down on the list to host the blog carnival and ironically, I’m hosting for a month where everything has gotten in the way of my own blogging, so I can’t even link up one of my own posts :(
So, get comfy. Grab a cuppa and a snack. Sit back and enjoy reading these awesome blog posts from July 2013. I’m sure you will laugh, cry, learn and say “doh” a few times before you get through the list.
Nat xx
Two Little Humans and Me by Melissa
A Place to Call Home
Life as Mum with two little humans (and a husband) on life's big adventure!
Where the Wild Things Were by Lydia
How to blog & tweet without getting sued
Legal implications for our children growing up in the digital media
Oculus Mundi by Alison
My own tips for bloggers
Every now and then I read "professionals" telling people how to blog. I often disagree with what they have to say. So, in the grand tradition of loudly airing my opinion, whether you want it or not, here are my own tips for bloggers.
Little Bento Blog By Yvette
Having fun with Cereal
Three recipes to help step away from using cereal just for breakfast! Great school holiday treats.
The Flying Drunken Monkey by Cassie
Free Printable - What to Pack when Camping with a Toddler
Sharing a free downloadable printable for packing for camping with a toddler.
Becci's Domestic Bliss by Becci
Tucker Tuesday ~ Recipe: Honey Crackles
Honey Crackles are one of those childhood treats that I haven't made in years! So I thought it was about time I introduced my boys to them.
Two Point Five Kids by Lisa
Get out the Tissues and Hug your Children
A wake up call that made all the petty stuff go away and let me just LOVE my kids and be grateful.
No Excuses! by Lisa
One shoe off and one shoe on…………….diddle diddle dumpling my son……….
When taking children to visit friends and family, they are expected to be polite, obedient, well behaved and have lovely manners; these conditions are expected of them however, at times some children just seem to forget no matter how well the children have been taught!!
The Wildflowers by Jessi
Climbing tree and recovery.
4 out of 4 kids were at the end of their sickness so we headed out for sunshine and tree climbing which = everyone feeling much better!
Your Cheeky Monkey by Monique
5 Foods you can Freeze
In this post I discuss 5 Foods I freeze to help save time and money in the kitchen.
Reflections From a Redhead by Janine
The Perils of Working from Home
I've been working from home lately, and it's been great. There are a few minor issues though. Here are the perils I've identified from working from home.
Mums on the Go by Linda
Help me Bra Queen!
I have been wearing a maternity bra for most of the past 6 years and in fact ALL of the past 3 years! It has been a long time since I have shopped for a "real" bra let alone something that makes me feel sexy. The sudden self weaning of my baby caught me by surprise so I turned to the Bra Queen for some advice
Have a laugh on me by Emily
A break in transmission from cutting remarks, piss-taking and humour
I interrupted my regular programming of cutting remarks, sarcasm and piss-taking to ask the blogging community for advice on how to help my three-year-old be happy again. The response I had was overwhelming.
You learn something new every day by Emily
Newborns look wisdomous
Newborns have all the wisdom of the world in their cute little bobble-heads. But we dumb it down with goo's and gah's.
Mrs D plus 3 by Robyn
Post Natal Depression:
I have opened up for the first time ever about my experiences with Post Natal Depression. I really hope that my story touches someone, somewhere, you may need it!
Fit Mother Hubbard by Anita
Bupa Blog Finalist, Fun in the Sun & The Gold Coast Half
Here you will find out how we incorporate family, fitness & fun so that everyone's happy.
Home Sweet Kitchen and Garden by Nathalie
Why are (m)others so quick to judge (m)others
Happy Shambles by Anna
F is for Fail
Finding Parenting 1B (5-9 years) a challenge? You're not alone. There are rewards - if you can find them. You just have to look closely.
Money Mummy by Shelley
Is Costco Membership Worth It?
To Costco or not to Costco - this is the question... check out my findings...
Dr Leanne Winter - Raising Boys by Leanne
The Parenting Paradox - What The?
Have you heard the phrase “All joy and no happiness” in relation to parenting? In the literature they call it the parenting paradox.
Raising Boys 2 plus 1 by Victoria
Toddler Activity - making bird feeders
Instructions on how to make a bird feeder with children
FreshHomeCook by Jodie
Whole Orange & Chia Seed Cake with Coconut Cream Ganache
Recipe using fresh seasonal naval oranges.
BTsoi Blogs by Bernice
Learning Piano
A peek into our son's self-motivated piano lessons and my attempt to balance my inner Tiger Mom with the Montessori method.
The Muddle-Headed Mamma by Lizzy
A Zorse is a Zorse, of Course of Course
A post about a little game my son and I play and a little song we made up about unusual animals.
Little Red & Her Writing by Lauren
Little Red's Head to Toe Web Suggestions- Best Websites for the Wellbeing of Women in Small Business
This post is designed to be a check list for Busy Mums, especially Mums in Business, who occasionally need to focus on themselves and their health. It is a short list of all my favourite resources as a Registered Nurse and a Mum of two, and I hope it helps even just one Mum to get into gear and focus on their overall health.
moderate-severe/profound...quirky by Melinda
Going the whole hog
A sweet tale about one little girl's adoration for a novelty hog. Their eyes met across the themed restaurant and, for her, it was love at first sight.
Muvva - Blogging and Mum-ing: a parental odyssey by Muvva
Parents Inc.
This post is about the transition from work-life to Mum-life, now that I don't have any Key Performance Indicators to rate how good a job I am doing.
Nursing – as explained to an invading Overlord
How would you describe what a nurse does to an invading alien overlord? The answer is here!
My Little Sunshine House by Zanni
The Red Balloon
A child watches her balloon fly away. This is what happened.
Happy Suburban Chick by Fran
Do you struggle with Housework?
Explores a new perspective to housework and chores or should I say caring for our homes and doing important tasks.
Dadinating the Countryside by Seamus
Outings with a small child
My guide to running errands with a toddler in tow; how to survive and what to expect.
Adventures in Jedi by Dida
Tips for traveling with a toddler... long distance... by air
Some survival tips from a rookie mum on traveling long distance by air with an active toddler.
Mama Going Solo by Emily
Travelling With Children Part II
Some tips on travelling with children, including games for controlling energetic youngsters, rehearsals, and the danger of relying on older offspring to watch the younger!
Gammon & Chips by Maddie
Depeche Mode at The O2
A rare night out in the big smoke of London for Aussie expat mummy seeing her favourite band of all time, Depeche Mode, at The O2 Arena.
The Crafty Mummy by Tonya
Tips for Stitching with Kids
Even if you're not a great crafter yourself, it can be fun to teach the kids some basic sewing stitches and I have tips to help you.
10% Inspired by CJ
Welcome to the Social Media road
We teach our kids a healthy respect for the road, so that when they eventually cross on their own, they can do so safely... the virtual world is just another environment, and they have to know how to navigate it.
The Black Stamp by Cassandra
Sex Work - regulation and stigma
A killer should do exactly the same amount of time for the murder of a sex worker in a dark alley as a nun at noon on the steps of town hall, because every life is of equal value, and so long as they weren't hurting anyone, everyone has an equal right to be safe at all times!
Chapter Fifteen by Amy
Green-Power Pancakes
My super amazing and delicious GREEN pancake recipe!
Don't let their colour fool you, they're great for everyone who wishes they were a superhero. Packed full of delicious goodness, and your kids won't even know they are eating veggies!
Family Gathering by Amanda
Hobbiton - a touch of Hollywood in rural New Zealand
A post about our visit to Hobbiton in New Zealand - and why all families should visit even if they are not Lord of the Ring or Hobbit fans.
Racheous by Rachel
Why We Montessori
We use Montessori methods to cultivate a life-long love of learning, discovery and challenging, self-awareness, self-confidence; and so that my children feel they can contribute, are heard and valued.
Mumabytes by Katie
When Tots Hit
A sneak peek into the the "hitting" phase that has kicked in at the Mumabytes camp. Take cover!
Meetoo by Kate
A review of Artea's Friday morning creative time sessions for mums and pre schoolers
The Last Degree by Lisa
Count down to the revolutionary newest Blogging Platform on the internet!
Hi guys this is HOT HOT HOT off the press and still bit secret but I want to share with you today some super new stuff for you…
Bub Sweat and Tears by Pip
10 Things That Make a Healthy Mum
Highlighting emotional and physical ideas to get healthier when you're a parent.
Gold Coast Mum by Gold Coast Mum
Why I’m glad I’m not Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge)
Parenthood has brought me endless love and cuddles, snot bubbles and tantrums, new friends and new experiences.
For celebs and royals, how different, or isolating, is becoming a new mum?
Mumma Tells by Bec
Rubber Ducky, YOU'RE The One
On filth harbouring bath toys... and a preventative cleaning measure to say goodbye to mould smugglers for good!
The Urban Ma by Jacqui
Chase Kitchen - the new kid on the block
Always on the lookout for the next big thing in kid-friendly, parent-friendly cafes, The Urban Ma visits Chase Kitchen.
dear olive by Kellie
Negative Cycle
Talking parenting problems.
Parent Wellbeing by Jodie
Why losing weight is a lot like parenting…
How is losing weight like raising your kids to be their best? Believe it or not, both goals share some similarities...
The Mums Group by Erin
My week as a single parent
I spent a week as a single parent while my husband was away for work, and to say it was extremely difficult, is an understatement!
Checks and Spots by Claire
The One Small Change That Will Have The Biggest Impact on Your Health
Let’s cut straight to the chase and ask 13 bright sparks who have a unique perspective on health and wellness to share one lifestyle tweak that will get BIG results.