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Saturday, 9 June 2012

I am…..

When I read Eden’s post earlier today and I’ve had words running around my head ever since – just who am I?? I thought about the many words I use to describe myself like mother, wife, nurse and wondered if I am these things because of who I am or do these make me who I am. Honestly, it all became a bit of “what came first, the chicken or the egg” analogy.  So, I delved a little deeper.

I know I have double sided qualities. While I could be described as nurturing, caring, loving, I’m also good in a crisis and can make decisions quickly, which can come across as cold and heartless.  After coming to this conclusion, I decided to make my brain stop hurting and stop thinking of who I am as something that needs to be wrapped in a compact package that makes sense and simply write who I think I am.

I am logical and I need things to make sense.

I like things to be organised – not necessarily all neat and tidy.

I’m a great listener.  I’m also usually the person that won’t burst into tears along with you when you need to let it all out.

I cry at the “Worksafe” ads every time without fail – even if I have changed the channel part way through the ad.

When I love, there’s no halfway. It’s an all or nothing experience.

I believe in spreading your wings and following your dreams.

I’m a vault when is coming to keeping a secret – as long as no one’s going to get hurt along the way.

I am inquisitive and always have the feeling that there is something else I need to learn.

I must use matching shampoo and conditioner.

I think it’s important that I let my children learn from their mistakes.

I am a tv addict.

I love the colour purple.

I am who I am right now.

I am me :)

Edenland's Fresh Horses Brigade


  1. Ahhhh. "I am me". Perfect.

    Great post. I just wrote my "Who am I?" as well!

    New follower.



    1. Thanks. Popping over to read yours now :)

  2. I think it's great that you're good in a crisis. Somebody has to be! (I'm not. I don't think.)

    Agree that kids need to learn from their own mistakes. And I love, ADORE .. that you know that you can't be wrapped in a compact package. Nobody can. We're all complex.

    Thank you, for linking up.

    xxx eden

    1. Thanks Eden. I mentioned on twitter it was like a therapy session that went on in my head all day.

  3. Ahh yes, the eternal question. Just when you think you have figured it out...life will change tack and you will be redefining yourself again! I like the 'list' approach you have used. When I stop and think about it as humans we are often full of contradictions, and sometimes our first reaction to something needs to be considered before we act eg "is this the person I want to be?" With you on the worksafe ads and the colour purple :D Thanks for sharing...now I wonder who I am today :D

    1. I think the list approached worked for me - paragraphs were making me over think :)

  4. I love this post and thanks for sharing the link to 'Edenland.' - I too must have matching shampoo and conditioner! My family laughs at me for it. :) And I too love with all or nothing. - Great post!

    1. I knew I wasn't alone with the shampoo and conditioner!

  5. Those Worksafe ads kill me. Your reaction says so much about what is important to you - your family. And yes, I like matching shampoo and conditioner too!


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